(Yes, I am a freak who teaches her kids to use those paper things called dictionaries and encyclopedias.)
Most recently, she asked me why women are called "M-R-S" after they get married. I launched into a long-winded talk about women taking their husband's name, gender-equality, yada-yada, which she listened to and asked questions during, all very politely. At the end she very nicely clarified.
"But Mom, why M-R-S? What does it mean?" So in the end, I hadn't answered her question at all, but misunderstood it. And when I thought about it, I wasn't certain. I could tell her about the use of Miss, Ms., Mrs., Mr., Master, but I didn't actually know about the details of the abbreviations.
We ended up going home and looking it up online, and I am sharing it here for you! I'm sure you have all been wondering the exact same thing as my 9-year-old, lol!
Because I encourage my kids to write letters and emails addressing people with proper titles, we settled on women as Ms., unless we know for sure they use Mrs., and men as Mr.
We both agree, a simple first and last name is much easier.
If you're interested in reading more, some sites I found fascinating were:
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